Sunday, January 26, 2014

High Ridge UFO Pictures From 7-4-12 Light Up Latest MUFON Reports of 1/25/14

Hello Missouri - welcome to a 'state UFO' blog that will feature the first person anomalous reports from your state that have either photos or video of the incident/phenomena. This blog starts off with a near WOW photo set of who knows what that happened to a couple nearly a year and a half ago. While it would be easy to dismiss this experience as some sort of firework - and indeed many of the so-called UFOs submitted on July 4th in any given year are nothing more than Fireworks that many are not aware of. Indeed, it is even Chinese... as the Chinese have a saying... old wives tale... call it what you will.... that Fireworks BECKON the anomalous literally into existence. 
First, excerpts of the articulate report that you can find in total at this MUFON Link:
....The " flare" zigzaged coming from the NE direction. Went west, then straight to us, hovered over our treeline & creek approx. 100 ft up & 20ft away(see photo) It hovered for 2-3secs then zipped off in a blink of an eye towards the east over the huge powerlines behind us. There were fireworks going off all around it but it appeared brighter & more solid. It was a deep orange and vibrated like a trembling hand. 
Since then I've captured strange light anomalies in our rm. & have had strange dreams.... 

The Amazing Pictures
The MUFON report also submitted two pictures of strange lights within the persons home (even slightly similar in a sense)

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About This Blog

Missouri UFOs is part of the `State UFO' blog series being first established in late 2013 by UFO blogger Rick Phillips. The `State UFO' blog series focuses exclusively on links to first person accounts of the UFO phenomenon; additionally, these reports will feature attachments such as drawings or diagrams, pictures or videos.Many of these reports will also be featured on the subreddit called Strange State UFOs on Reddit.Com or at my main UFO blog called UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock.