I will attempt to bring some flow to all of the below - thanks for being a reader and make sure to check out some other State UFO Blogs (in the sidebar) - and thanks for having a mind still into exploring and not just accepting.
2014 Missouri UFO Update
MUFON submitted accounts with pictures and/or video
I was sitting on deck facing south, I looked up & all the sudden it was there. It was so bright & no sound. I thought it was odd because helicopters fly over all the time. This was a little higher than treetop level over the lake here. I took a lot of pics & the actual size & brightness didn't show up which we thought was really weird. It didn't move fast at all. We went to outside of garage to watch it head off to the east & at that time a plane was in the far distance. Someone else reported this on telegraph rd.in the pics has more of boomerang shape.
Traveling south on Telegraph road @ 1045pm june 2nd. Notice object slow in the sky just off to the west. Oval with 8 strobe lights forming the outline. Pulled off the road and observed the object hovering from less than 500 feet and it was silent. After about 1 minute the oject started north right over telegragh road with an altitude of around 500 feet. Followd in mt car but object increased speed and lost sight at 255 and Telegragh road.
The pictures with the Robertsville report are below:

It's of strong interest that the picture submitter was surprised at the outcome being less or not similar to what was being witnessed - something said time and time again about UFO reports. It's of interest of course of the collaborating report and the apparent morphing shape of the orb.

Movement is indeed shown in the many pictures submitted. Kind of like the `black blob' UFO that I've been reporting upon at UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock. (or is it a bag or bird passing as a hoax?)
How about a Video?
6/14 - Holts Summit - To Me It Appears To be A Couple RC's - What Do You Think? (9:34pm) (near Jefferson City)
Report Submitted (with above video)
(Holts Summit is not in the St. Louis area)
Then, In Saint Louis
And, it turns out that JUNE 14th was a major day for sightings - for at the same time as the above - a granted strange video - comes this onslaught of MUFON reports:
There are two eye witness reports from facebook friends who live in the same area as me. Both were near the same area at the same time and got separate photos. One was driving down Weber Rd. toward Bayless and took this photo at around 9:02PM on 06/14/2014. The other was driving on Highway 55 at Bayless and said, " Driving on 55 by bayless! Huge cluster of them and one disappeared all the sudden then they all took off super fast! I was freaking out! Everyone on the highway slammed on there brakes and was staring at them!!!!!". I have always wanted to see a sighting and now it happens in my area, so I had to post the pics and story.
And, the stunning pictures!

A bit of commentary here - IF you observed the above phenomena.... how in the world would YOU describe it?

And at 9:15 PM in Des Peres (again in Saint Louis area) comes this report and video:
And, the report
Other Old Time Missiouri UFO Experiences
(Again, from the MUFON reports of just the last 60 days)
From 1969 And Clearly A Strange Tale,.... with hints of men in black
As related to ASD by phone today: I was working the night shift in the printer shop at Lake City Army Ammunition Plant in August of 1969. I started work at 12:00 AM and it was very hot, about 110 degrees so we had the fans on. There were seven of us working in this building, which is the second building after the guard shack on the east side of the property. At 3:00 AM all of the electricity at the plant went out so we could not work. The seven of us went outside to sit on the dock and that is when we noticed a strange chrome colored sphere hovering over a building that was four buildings from our position. This object was shining very bright and it was about the width of a small plane. It hovered over that building for a while, then very slowly and silently moved across the road to another building. There is one long main road going through the plant property and this thing moved back and forth, going over each building. There were no emissions and no effects other than the electricity going out. Shortly after we noticed this object we saw a jeep with MP's speeding down the road, then two more jeeps with MP's. They were all driving around like crazy. This went on for two hours, until at approximately 5:00 AM the object suddenly shot up into the air at about a 30 degree angle and into space at an alarming speed - it was literally out of sight in a half a second! Then all of the power came back on. I did not see any other people come out of the buildings, but the docks are in the back so we wouldn't have seen them. The first thing I thought of was "They're back" because I saw a similar object, only disk shaped when I was eight years old while playing with my sister one day. It was also a very shiny chrome color and there was no sound. Everyone thought we were crazy so I never talked about it again. Now there was a guy with us that night at Lake City who mentioned that he saw a round chrome sphere over the dairy farm he was working at a few years prior (1965 or so),and this was off of 7 Highway in Blue Springs not far from Lake City. He was our cameraman at Lake City and was age 60 or so at the time and I believed him. The next day when I arrived at work two men came in that we had never seen before. One was wearing a black suit and the other was wearing a dark grey suit. They had no insignia, and showed no I.D.'s to us, and did not tell us who they were. Only one man spoke, and he said "Remember you all have signed a Security Clearance and you did not see anything last night." He was very firm about it. We did not say anything. Then they left. While at work that night the seven of us talked about what we saw and we were all in agreement about the description, however, I did not tell anyone about this event until now. I saw the show about Missouri on the Hangar 1 show and thought I'd call this in to report it. I am 68 years old now and don't think they'll do anything if I talk about what I saw. |
pretty articulate report
perhaps witnessed by the guys buddy in another location
you can keep up with Missouri UFO reports to MUFON by using the link below and then entering your desired search
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